Monday 9 June 2014

Album Cover - Birdy

This album is from the artist Birdy. The over all image of this is quite indie and raw. The font of her name, which is also the albums title, is very youthful and plain. The image helps to express her youthfulness; she is dressed in a fashionable, but young way and there is no over-the top, fake image being shown. The idea of the album cover is to just show her as an independent, un-synthetic artist, however, there is a particular image being demonstrated here. Due to make-up artists, stylists etc her look is very vintage and the background also helps suggest this. The cover uses a lot of autumnal colours, with muted tones which is a recognisable colour code for artists doing the genre of folk/singer/song writer. She is slightly distanced and her hair covers her face almost hiding some of her identity from us. The fact the album cover is so simplistic makes us focus more just on her simplicity and makes us realise the music within the album is the bigger focus over all. 

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