Thursday, 14 November 2013

Kyle Cooper - 'Spider-Man' title sequence

'Spider-Man' being such a well-known superhero, being made into a film had to be so well captured. The opening to the film is brilliant. What I like most is the movement: Cooper has specifically designed the title sequence to bring the audience on a journey. We get a real sense of movement and travelling (one of Cooper's well known elements) and it really sets a quick pace as if it's like a race.

The colours look so slick, and the shapes and lines create the 'webbed' look, and this obviously relates very nicely. The title sequence looks really clean and slick. A lot of the titles look 3-D and we're taken around them and they're pulled apart to keep the audience interested in what new ideas are going to be brought in next. I think this sequence keeps an audience watching and it really does set up like an epic adventure. The use of colours obviously represent spider-man; they're deep and royal colours which makes the sequence look sharp.

Making the web feel 3-D is really clever as we feel like we're going through it and circling it all the time. The 'spider webs' always look really lean, thin and shiny so Cooper captures nicely the look of it - it actually makes it look really delicate.

Overall, I really like this title sequence. It captures a really essence of the up-coming story and actually helps the audience build up to what is going to happen as the sequence tells a story itself and helps take us on a journey.

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