Friday 22 November 2013

Music for Opening Sequence (Research)

Research of music for Thriller idea.

I have looked for sinister music to try to incorporate into our piece as non-diegetic sound. I looked broadly at some piano music as I feel this will fit into the sequence and allow it to flow seamlessly. These are some possibilities I have found.

This was my first thought; it is quite a sad tune but I thought it was more sinister than it actually was. This seems quite romantic which does fit with the flashbacks but will conjure completely different connotations of what the sequence is about and does not fit with the thriller genre.

This is the third song I found. It is slightly faster and more techno but is still somewhat sinister. The fluency fits our fast paced, quick shooting style. This, I think is almost perfect for the piece and will definitely direct the audience towards thinking this is sinister. It is a bit same-y however so I cannot deem this sort of music perfect.

These are just some ideas that I think could compliment the piece very well and aid fluency as well as building tension. I will take the ideas to the group and see how they feel about them.

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