Monday, 3 March 2014

Evaluation Task 5: How did you attract/address your audience?

  • The ways in which we attracted our audience was to create a sense of mystery; we did this by never showing the face of the man in the sequence as it created suspense as the audience can not see his face which doesn't give us his identity. We only ever see his feet, hands etc.

  • We also created interest when the man in the sequence is looking at pictures of young/teenage girls. Keeping in mind our target audience (which includes teenagers), this addresses them as it may make them feel uncomfortable as they're similar age group so they can relate to this by the discomfort of him looking at younger teenagers.
  • Our setting for our thriller is in a basement, and within the basement there is a lot of professional technology used such as: a camera, an Apple Mac laptop etc. This instantly creates a level of interest as the man is using professional equipment and looking like he is busy and on top of what he is doing; again, this creates interest for the audience as they want to know what he is doing with all the technology. I thought this would attract our older target audience members.  

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