Friday 6 September 2013

Intro to my blog...


My name is Lauren Attwater, and this is my first attempt at a blog which is actually for my AS Media work :)

10 things about me:

  1. I studied Media for GCSE (I also studied Drama, Music, Textiles, Maths, Science and English)
  2. I have just started my first year at college at Hurtwood House, studying: Media Studies and Dance. I don't board, I am a 'day student'
  3. I love the performing arts/the theatre and want to do something in this area
  4. I love films and I love theatre
  5. My favourite TV Programme HAS to be Downton Abbey
  6. I have 6 people in my family (including myself), and I am the eldest sibling
  7. I have 2 cats: Zeus (as in the Greek God), and Oreo (as in the biscuit)
  8. My favourite foods include pizza, chocolate, cheese and basically anything unhealthy
  9. I have Type 1 Diabetes
  10. I probably drink about 10 cups of tea per day :)
This is my Media Studies GCSE Horror film I made:

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