Tuesday 23 September 2014

Final development group/Final concept Idea

My final development group now includes myself, Bella, Claudia and Liv.



We have decided, as a group, to go forward with Bella's Tribal/Dubstep idea. These are some of the visual aspects we have been looking at for our video: 

We have made the choice to go with this idea as we all thought that it was visually the most exciting, unique idea. We are now currently in the process of bullet pointing on a timeline the exact actions and things going on we want within the music video. We have now also added in another element that a young boy will be walking in the woods and he will be chased after by the tribal dancers and changed into one. The concept of this idea is that it is mainly performance based, however, it has the slight narrative at the beginning where we see the tribal women watching this average, man who is wondering the forest by himself. 


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